În Parlamentul Canadei s-a
dezbătut un proiect de lege care propunea inițierea unei comisii
parlamentare care să studieze dacă copilul nenăscut este om sau nu. Propunerea
a fost înaintată de către parlamentarul Stephen Woodworth și ea
viza revizuirea secțiunii
223 din Codul Penal canadian.
Această secțiune prevede că un copil devine ființă
umană doar după ce se află cu totul în afara pântecelui mamei și
este viu și
permite avorturile pe întreaga durată a sarcinii, inclusiv înainte de naștere.
a susținut
că această revizuire este necesară, întrucât secțiunea 223 data din secolul
al XIX-lea, iar între timp știința
embriologiei a cunoscut progrese importante.
Propunerea legislativă a
fost respinsă, ea având 91 de coturi în favoarea ei și
203 împotrivă.
Între cei care au votat
pentru aprobare se numără și
ministrul pentru statutul femeilor, Rona Ambrose. Motivația ei a fost că, din
perspectiva funcției
pe care o are, este foarte interesată să se pună capăt avortului pe bază de
gen, care și în
Canada face să fie avortate fetițe în
urma testelor privind sexul copilului nenăscut. Deși cunosc că Rona Ambrose
este un ministru deosebit de apreciat și foarte
implicată în sute de proiecte pentru egalitatea de șanse, o serie de grupă
pro-avort din Canada au cerut demisia Ronei Ambrose. În sprijinul ei au venit
organizații și persoane individuale, care
au declanșat
campania ”I support Rona Ambrose”.
Campaign Life Coalition
Youth și Canadian Centre for
Bio-Ethical Reform au inițiat
o pagină pe Facebook şi un spot al campaniei care au adus numeroase mesaje de
susţinere pentru Ambrose.
Cei care doresc să exprime
sprijinul pentru Rona Ambrose au fost invitați să
facă un scurt clip video pe care să îl trimită la
youth@campaignlifecoalition.com și la
Rona Ambrose, rona.ambrose.c1a@parl.gc.ca.
by Thaddeus Baklinksi
OTTAWA, September 28, 2012,
(LifeSiteNews.com) - The abortion lobby’s demands for Status of Women Minister
Rona Ambrose’s resignation because she voted in favour of MP Stephen
Woodworth’s Motion 312 has created a massive outpouring of support.
Campaign Life Coalition
Youth and the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform have launched a Facebook
page and a video campaign that have resulted in a huge number of messages of
support for Ambrose.
“It’s been awesome!” said
Alissa Golob, head of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) Youth, to LifeSiteNews. “In
less than 24 hours the Support Rona Ambrose Facebook page got over a thousand
likes and the numbers continue to grow. We also have an events page where
people are posting videos stating their support for Rona.”
She encouraged pro-lifers to
show their support for Ms. Ambrose by making a short YouTube video using an
“iPhone, digital camera, or any other recording device, even as short as ten
seconds, saying that you support her and her vote for Motion 312.” They made a
sample video that readers can use as a template.
“Upload it to YouTube and
send us the link at youth@campaignlifecoalition.com and to Rona Ambrose at
rona.ambrose.c1a@parl.gc.ca to let her know that Canadian women support her
Minister Ambrose said she
supported Motion 312 because of her concerns about sex-selective abortion in
“I have repeatedly raised
concerns about discrimination of girls by sex selection abortion: no law
needed, but we need awareness!” Ambrose wrote in a Tweet following the vote.
Ambrose also defended the
Conservative government’s record on women’s issues, pointing to more than 500
projects dealing with everything from violence against women to empowerment of
women in society.
“It is interesting that this
is the first question that I have received on the Status of Women file this
year. In fact, I think this is the first question I have received since last
year as well,” Ambrose said during Question Period.
“Do you know why that is,
Mr. Speaker? It is because this government has an incredible track record of
standing up for Canadian women and girls. We have increased the funding to the
status of women to its highest point in Canadian history. So far, in just a
couple of years, we have funded over 550 projects from coast to coast to coast
to tackle violence against women and empower women and girls, and we will
continue to do just that.”
NDP Status of Women critic
Niki Ashton responded that she was shocked that Ambrose supported the motion
and called for her resignation.
“Shocked that [the minister]
of status of women supported clawing back women’s rights,” tweeted Ashton after
the vote Wednesday night. “Time for a new minister.”
Alexa Conradi, president of
the Quebec Federation of Women, said in a statement that Ambrose was
irresponsible to want a committee formed to consider a definition of human
life, which she inferred was not looking after the “interests of women.”
“The role of the office of
the Minister for the Status of Women is to look after the interests of women,”
Conradi wrote. “By voting for this committee, which has no other goal but to
reopen the debate on abortion, she is shirking her responsibility.”
The executive director of
the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, Joyce Arthur, called Ambrose’s vote
for Motion 312 “a shocking failure.”
“It’s her job to represent
the interests of women, to defend women’s rights, promote women’s equality. We
feel she’s betrayed the women of this country,” Arthur said. “[She] seems to
think the status of women is a little bit below that of a fertilized egg.
Frankly, we’re insulted. We’re going to go after her and her resignation.”
However, Andrea Mrozek,
manager of research and communications at the Institute of Marriage and Family
Canada, and founder of the pro-life blog ProWomanProLife, praised Rona Ambrose
“for recognizing that Canadians can ask questions about when life begins.”
“ProWomanProLife recognizes
that women across Canada have many different views on abortion, which are
probably neither firmly in the pro-life nor the pro-choice camp,” wrote Mrozek.
“However, since M-312 called only for discussion, voting in favour of it is a
vote for debate and democracy, and that can only be a good thing.”
“Minister Ambrose is to be
commended for having an open mind,” she wrote.
Sursă: LifeSiteNews
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