Viața este inima Crăciunului - mesaje de sărbători de la Life Site News și Live Action

joi, 27 decembrie 2012

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În acest an, cele mai multe materiale pentru-viaţă postate au fost traduse de pe saiturile LifeSiteNews şi Live Action. Preluăm acum mesajele lor de sărbătoarea Naşterii Domnului. Nu le mai traducem, căci şi voluntarii noştri sunt în vacanţă - şi, apropo de voluntari, nădăjduim că Hristos Domnul va mai pune în inima câtorva cunoscători de limba engleză gândul de a ajuta la traduceri. Clipul de la LifeSiteNews este însă explicit pentru ceea ce vor să comunice - preţuiţi şi apăraţi viaţa, darul lui Dumnezeu.

Dear readers,

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: without you would not exist!

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, we want to take a moment once again to express our deep gratitude to our readers who have stuck by us all these years, supporting us with their donations, their encouragement, and most of all with their prayers.

Christmas, above all, is a special time for LifeSiteNews. The birth of Christ to a poor carpenter and his wife in a stable in Bethlehem is a resounding affirmation of everything that stands for – the importance of life, family and faith.

Our staff will be taking the next week off, to spend some much-needed time with their families celebrating the feast, recharging for the busy year to come. But before we close up shop, we wanted to share with you a brief video the many of us have put together.

We hope you enjoy!

Once again, from all of us at, God bless and Merry Christmas! We’ll see you in the New Year!


Life is at the Heart of Christmas...

Dear Friends,

This Christmas, my heart is filled with joy as I think about little Jesus coming into the world, a gift to all mankind. This Christmas Eve, we celebrate the greatness and the gift of each child, waiting to be born.

Christ was Christ at the moment of conception, God incarnate and the hope of every heart. Even St John the Baptist leaped for joy as an unborn baby, knowing he was close to Christ, when Elizabeth met pregnant Mary. Jesus coming to us as a helpless tiny child is God's humility and love revealed, and teaches us to hold precious every tiny child made in His image, from the moment of conception. Not because of their strength, but precisely because of their weakness and vulnerability--their need to be loved.  

Thank you so much for enabling our team at Live Action to advocate for the dignity and protection of every child, on high school and college campuses, in the media, speaking truth to politics, and beyond. 

May God grant you and your family every blessing this Christmas time.

Merry Christmas and God bless you,

Lila Rose